background music

background music
  refers to part of the score that accompanies a scene or action in a film, usually to establish a specific mood or enhance the emotion.

Glossary of cinematic terms . 2015.

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  • background music — background ,music noun uncount 1. ) quiet music that plays in a public place 2. ) the music used in a movie to create a particular mood …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Background music — Although background music was by the end of the 20th Century generally identified with Muzak or elevator music, there are several stages in the development of this concept:AntecedentsIn the Baroque and Classical music era music could be performed …   Wikipedia

  • background music — noun also background : music performed especially by unseen performers as an accompaniment to some activity essentially unrelated to it (as dining, shopping, or factory work); specifically : music specially composed or arranged to accompany the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • background music — music which is played softly to create a nice atmosphere …   English contemporary dictionary

  • background music — 1. music, often recorded, intended to provide a soothing background, usually played over loudspeaker systems in public places, as railway stations or restaurants. 2. music composed specifically to accompany and heighten the mood of a visual… …   Universalium

  • background music — back′ground mu sic n. 1) mad music, often recorded, intended to provide a soothing background 2) sbz music composed to accompany and heighten the mood of a visual production, as a movie • Etymology: 1925–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • background music — noun a) Any music played in a public space whose main function is to create an atmosphere suitable to a specific occasion, rather than to be listened to. b) Any music in a film, video game or other medium that establishes mood and is not meant to …   Wiktionary

  • background music — UK / US noun [uncountable] 1) quiet music that plays in a public place 2) the music used in a film to create a particular mood …   English dictionary

  • background music — noun Date: 1928 music to accompany the dialogue or action of a motion picture or radio or television drama …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • background music — noun music intended as an unobtrusive accompaniment to an activity, or to provide atmosphere in a film …   English new terms dictionary

  • background music — / bækgraυnd ˌmju:zɪk/ noun music played over the tannoy in a shop, supermarket, atrium etc., as a means of calming potential customers …   Marketing dictionary in english

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