match cut

match cut
  a transitional technique, in which there's a cut between two shots (outgoing and incoming) that are joined, matched, or linked by visual, aural, or metaphorical parallelism or similarities; there can be audio matches, segues (a segue refers to a smooth, uninterrupted transition), and visual match-cuts of various kinds; see also audio bridge and bridging shot
  Examples: North by Northwest (1959), Cary Grant pulls Eva Marie Saint up the cliff of Mt. Rushmore -- then a match cut to Grant pulling her up to a bunk in a train

Glossary of cinematic terms . 2015.

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  • Match Cut — (to match (engl.) = zusammenpassen/ fügen , cut (engl.) = Schnitt ) bezeichnet eine Technik der Filmmontage, bei dem in eine Bewegung hinein geschnitten und diese in einem anderen Bildmotiv fortgesetzt wird. Es ist die Verbindung zweier… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Match Cut — F/A/V A cut made on action or movement between two shots in which the action has been overlapped either by repetition of the action or by the use of more than one camera. (Film Editing) …   Audio and video glossary

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