
  refers to the saleable or marketable elements of a film; a high concept (actually low-concept in practice) refers to a film's main premise expressed as a simple formula in just a few words (as a one-liner) that can be easily understood by all; this idea portrays a shallow, condescending attitude toward undiscriminating film audiences by Hollywood's marketers and often results in having film content controlled by what appeals to the lowest common denominator type market; see also logline (also known as premise)
  Example: A successful lawyer cheats on his wife with a beautiful psychopath, in Fatal Attraction (1987); or fish-out-of-water Detroit cop in Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills Cop (1984); or a blue-collar welder during the day passionately aspires to be a dancer at night, in Flashdance (1983) (above); or the "gimmicky" pairing of improbable twins Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito in Twins (1988); or Braveheart (1995) - an epic love story and swashbuckler on the Scottish battle plain

Glossary of cinematic terms . 2015.

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  • High concept — High concept, in film or art in general, is a term used to refer to a succinctly stated premise describing the overall idea of production in just a few sentences or less.The term is also applied, often disparagingly, to films that are pitched and …   Wikipedia

  • high-concept — [hī′kän′sept΄] adj. based on a simple idea regarded as certain to appeal to a large audience [a high concept film] * * * high con·cept (hīʹkŏnʹsĕpt ) adj. Designed to appeal to a mass audience, as by incorporating popular, glamorous features: a… …   Universalium

  • high-concept — UK US adjective [usually before noun] MARKETING ► based on an interesting and attractive idea that can be explained in a simple way: »They are what they call in Hollywood high concept movies in which you can say the story in one line …   Financial and business terms

  • high-concept — [hī′kän′sept΄] adj. based on a simple idea regarded as certain to appeal to a large audience [a high concept film] …   English World dictionary

  • high-concept — ˈ ̷ ̷ ˈ ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷ adjective : having or exploiting elements (as fast action, glamour, or suspense) that appeal to a wide audience high concept movies * * * high concept UK US adjective cinema a high concept film has a story that is quick and easy… …   Useful english dictionary

  • high concept — noun An appealing idea for a work that can be understandably summarized in a few sentences or less. Spielbergs opinion relates well to the vision of high concept expressed by other Hollywood representatives: a striking, easily reducible narrative …   Wiktionary

  • high-concept — adjective Date: 1985 having or exploiting elements (as fast action, glamour, or suspense) that appeal to a wide audience < high concept movies > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • high-concept — UK / US adjective cinema a high concept film has a story that is quick and easy to explain and a subject and style that is likely to make it very popular and therefore make a lot of money …   English dictionary

  • high concept — high′ con′cept n. cvb a simple and often striking idea or premise, as for a story or film, that lends itself to easy promotion • Etymology: 1980–85 …   From formal English to slang

  • high concept — a simple and often striking idea or premise, as of a story or film, that lends itself to easy promotion and marketing. [1980 85] * * * …   Universalium

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