1From the Earth to the Moon&Around the Moon , Jules Verne (2011)
With an Introduction and Notes by Alex Dolby. Jules Verne was internationally famous as the author of novels based on extraordinary voyages. His visionary use of new travel technologies inspired his… 239 руб2From the Earth to the Moon&Around the Moon , Verne Jules (2011)
Jules Verne (1828-1905) was internationally famous as the author of novels based on extraordinary voyages. His visionary use of new travel technologies inspired his readers to look to the industrial… 200 руб3Autour de la Lune , Жюль Верн (1999)
Le 1er décembre 186, trois hommes courageux, Michel Ardan, intrépide aventurier, le président du Gun-Club Barbicane et le Capitaine Nicholl, s&# 039;embarquent dans un projectile en direction de… 115 грн (только Украина)