
(or v.o.)
  refers to recorded dialogue, usually narration, that comes from an unseen, off-screen voice, character or narrator (abbreviated as o.s. meaning beyond camera range), that can be heard by the audience but not by the film characters themselves; narration is a type of voice-over; v.o. often conveys the character's thoughts, either as a 'voice' heard within one's head, or as other narrative information and commentary to explain the action or plot; often a technique in film noirs; the abbreviation is used as an annotation in a script
  Examples: Capt. Willard's voice-overs in Apocalypse Now (1979), Deckard's v.o. in Hollywood's version of Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (1982), the mortally wounded hero's flashback narration in Double Indemnity (1944), or the voice-over narrated by the dead man floating in a pool in the opening of Sunset Boulevard (1950) (pictured here)

Glossary of cinematic terms . 2015.

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  • Voice-over — ist ein Fachbegriff aus der Studiotechnik im Hörfunk für eine Tonspur, die eine andere Tonspur überlagert. Im Film bezeichnet es den Kommentar, Monolog oder Dialog einer oder mehrerer Figuren, die nicht in der momentan gezeigten Szene anwesend… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • voice-over — voice overs also voiceover N COUNT The voice over of a film, television programme, or advertisement consists of words which are spoken by someone who is not seen. 89% of advertisements had a male voice over …   English dictionary

  • Voice over IP — [ vɔ̮ys oʊvɐ a̮i pi:], das; <meist. o. Art.> (Telefonie): Internettelefonie. * * * Voice over IP   [Abk. VoIP, dt. »Sprache per IP«], die Übertragung von Sprachdateien mithilfe des Internetprotokolls IP (Internettelefonie) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • voice-over — voice′ o ver n. 1) mot sbz the voice of an offscreen narrator, announcer, or the like, in television or motion pictures 2) mot sbz a televised sequence, as in a commercial, narrated by voice over • Etymology: 1945–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • voice-over — UK US noun [C] COMMUNICATIONS, MARKETING ► words that describe or comment on a film, advertisement, or video, which are spoken by a person who is not seen: »Famous actors often provide voice overs for advertisements …   Financial and business terms

  • voice-over — [vois′ō΄vər] n. the voice commenting or narrating off camera, as for a television commercial …   English World dictionary

  • voice-over — n information or remarks that are spoken on a television programme or film by someone who is not seen on the screen …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • voice-over — voice ,over noun count a recorded explanation or summary in a movie, television program, advertisement, etc. by someone who is not seen on the screen …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • voice-over — ► NOUN ▪ a piece of narration in a film or broadcast not accompanied by an image of the speaker …   English terms dictionary

  • Voice over IP — Digital voice redirects here. For the commercial service, see Comcast Digital Voice. Voice over Internet Protocol (Voice over IP, VoIP) is a family of technologies, methodologies, communication protocols, and transmission techniques for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Voice-over — The term voice over refers to a production technique where a non diagetic voice is broadcast live or pre recorded in radio, television, film, theater and/or presentation. [ [http://m w.com/dictionary/voice over Merriam Webster s Online… …   Wikipedia

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