pan and scan

pan and scan
  a technique that avoids the 'letterboxing' of a widescreen film for a full-framed 4x3 home video or TV picture, by focusing on the elements of the picture that are most important to the plot and by adjusting or cropping the image; when an important part of the image drops out of the visible screen, the picture is mechanically panned to the side (left or right in a ping-pong effect) to show the missing part - hence, the term pan-and-scan; approximately 43% of the visuals are sacrificed or cropped out in the pan-and-scan version, affecting the director's original intent and aesthetic sense
  Example: from the film Out of Sight (1998), with the yellow box showing the selected "pan and scanned" window or 4 x 3 image "Pan and scan" encounters major problems, as in the climactic show-down cemetery scene in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966), when the image takes up the entire screen

Glossary of cinematic terms . 2015.

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  • Pan and scan — is one method of adjusting widescreen film images so that they can be shown within the proportions of a standard definition 4:3 aspect ratio television screen, often cropping off the sides of the original widescreen image to focus on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Pan and scan — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Mediante la técnica de pan scan una imagen de proporción 2,35:1 pierde casi un 50% de detalle al pasar a 4:3 Pan scan es el método por el cual se recorta una película filmada a pantalla ancha, para que llene una… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Pan and Scan — Pan Scan [pæn ənd skæn] ist der Vorgang, bei dem versucht wird, einen Teil des Widescreen Bildes, das im Kino gezeigt wird, auf einem 4:3 oder 16:9 Fernsehbildschirm darzustellen. Der Vorgang heißt Pan Scan, da der Videobearbeiter in der Lage ist …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pan and Scan — Recadrage (vidéo) Une image initialement au format 2.35:1 qui a subi un traitement Pan and scan afin qu elle soit réduite au format 1.33:1. Le terme recadrage ou Pan and scan (de l anglais pivoter et découper) ou Pan scan fait référence à un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pan and scan — Recadrage (vidéo) Une image initialement au format 2.35:1 qui a subi un traitement Pan and scan afin qu elle soit réduite au format 1.33:1. Le terme recadrage ou Pan and scan (de l anglais pivoter et découper) ou Pan scan fait référence à un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • pan and scan — 1. adjective Formatted to fit within proportions of a 1.33:1 or 1.78:1 aspect ratio television screen, with sides of the original widescreen image (especially 2.35:1 aspect ratio) cropped off. Paul disdained pan and scan DVD releases, always… …   Wiktionary

  • pan-and-scan — See pan and scan. * * * …   Universalium

  • pan and scan — a technique for narrowing the aspect ratio of a widescreen film to fit a television screen by continuously selecting the most significant portion of the original picture. → pan out …   English new terms dictionary

  • Pan and Scan — HD A technique for changing the field of view of a motion picture or down converted HDTV images so that only a portion of the wider image is shown on a narrower standard definition screen. The image is adjusted side to side to adjust framing for… …   Audio and video glossary

  • pan and scan — a technique for narrowing the aspect ratio of a wide screen movie to fit the squarer shape of a television screen by continuously selecting the portion of the original picture with the most significance, rather than just the middle portion …   Useful english dictionary

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