musical (film)

musical (film)
  a major film genre category denoting a film that emphasizes segments of song and dance interspersed within the action and dialogue; known for its distinctive artists, stars, singers, and dancers; two major types are 'backstage' musicals and 'music-integrated' musicals.
  Examples: 42nd Street (1933), Singin' in the Rain (1952), Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954), An American in Paris (1951), West Side Story (1961), The Music Man (1962), My Fair Lady (1964), The Sound of Music (1965), and Mary Poppins (1964)

Glossary of cinematic terms . 2015.

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  • Musical film — Film poster for Top Hat (1935) The musical film is a film genre in which songs sung by the characters are interwoven into the narrative, sometimes accompanied by dancing. The songs usually advance the plot or develop the film s characters, though …   Wikipedia

  • musical film —  motion picture consisting of a plot integrating musical numbers. Although usually considered an American genre, musical films from Japan, Italy, France, Great Britain, and Germany have contributed to the development of the type. The first… …   Universalium

  • musical film — англ. [мью/зикл филм] муз. фильм см. также music …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • High School Musical (film series) — High School Musical Current logo to the High School Musical film series Directed by Kenny Ortega (1 3) Michael Lembeck (Sharpay s Fabulous Adventure) …   Wikipedia

  • High School Musical (film) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir HSM. High School Musical : Premiers Pas sur scène …   Wikipédia en Français

  • musical — musical, ale, aux [ myzikal, o ] adj. • 1380; de musique 1 ♦ Qui est propre, appartient à la musique. Son musical. Notation musicale. « Swann tenait les motifs musicaux pour de véritables idées » (Proust). ♢ Où il y a de la musique; qui concerne… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Musical — is the adjective form of music. It may also refer to: MusicAL: Albanian Television channel which broadcasts Albanian folk music Musical artist Musical composer Musical composition, an original piece of music, the structure of a musical piece, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Musical Varieties — Release date(s) 1948 Running time 10 minutes Language English Musical Varieties is a 1948 Pictorial Films musical short film starring Rosemary Lane and …   Wikipedia

  • Film musical — ● Film musical film comportant de nombreuses séquences chantées et/ou dansées …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Musical theatre — The Black Crook (1866), considered by some historians to be the first musical[1] Musical theatre is a form of theatre combining songs, spoken dialogue, acting, and dance. The emotional content of the piece – humor, pathos, love, anger – …   Wikipedia

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