mockumentary — /mok ū menˈt(ə )ri/ (informal) noun A humorous film, TV programme, etc that parodies the form and style of a serious documentary ORIGIN: From mock documentary … Useful english dictionary
Mockumentary — A mockumentary (a portmanteau of the words mock and documentary), is a type of film or television show in which fictitious events are presented in documentary format. These productions are often used to analyze or comment on current events and… … Wikipedia
Mockumentary — Der Filmgenre Begriff Mockumentary ist ein Kofferwort (englisch (to) mock: „vortäuschen, verspotten“ (sich mokieren) und documentary: „Dokumentarfilm“) und die Bezeichnung für einen fiktionalen Dokumentarfilm, der einen echten Dokumentarfilm oder … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mockumentary — Faux documentaire Un faux documentaire (ou encore le mot valise documenteur) est un canular qui tout en ayant l apparence d un vrai documentaire présente une histoire fictive ou défend une thèse farfelue. En anglais, on a recours au néologisme… … Wikipédia en Français
mockumentary — UK [ˌmɒkjʊˈment(ə)rɪ] / US [ˌmɑkjəˈment(ə)rɪ] noun [countable] Word forms mockumentary : singular mockumentary plural mockumentaries a film or television programme that has the form of a serious documentary about a subject but is intended to make … English dictionary
mockumentary — noun (plural ries) Etymology: blend of mock and documentary Date: 1984 a facetious or satirical work (as a film) presented in the style of a documentary … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mockumentary — … Википедия
mockumentary — noun A television programme/program or movie presented as if it were a documentary but that is not factual and often a parody or satire. Syn: false documentary, fictional documentary … Wiktionary
mockumentary — noun a television programme or film which takes the form of a serious documentary in order to satirize its subject … English new terms dictionary
mockumentary — /mɒkjuˈmɛntri/ (say mokyooh mentree) noun a parody of the documentary genre, which chooses a fictitious subject and treats it with all the mannerisms of the documentary …